Amazing Photographs of Shillingstone in late May by Tom Redman

Tom Redman was one of the official photographers at the Open Weekend for Coastal Tents - - They specialise in Wedding Photography but once the official photographs were over, he wandered the gardens here at Shillingstone House and took the most amazing photographs. A huge thank you to him.

Starting at the Front Door, he worked his way round the House to ………

The wisteria over the Dining and Drawing Room doors ..

To the borders round the lawns - sadly the herbaceous border was blocked by the marquee and then on ….

Through the arch to the white walk ……..

On to the Walled Garden and our Wedding Bell Tent, then through the door into the camping field with the sheep in the field next door.

And finally to the remaining items from the old Shillingstone Light Railway days which ran the farm in former days.

A HUGE THANK YOU TOM! …… and to Coastal Tents for including you in their weekend!