Fayrewood Electrical Limited

email- fayrewoodelectrical@btopenworld.co.uk 


South Coast Generators - Richard Weeks


Dorset Generator Hire


Green Power Farm - Generators etc - We specialise in the planning and provision of power to events, ranging from a small garden party to a large wedding or festival. Our specialised equipment is also for hire.

t: 07968824213 e: power@greenfarmltd.com | w: www.greenfarmevents.com

a: The Green, Urchfont, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 4RB

South Coast Generators - rental@southcoastgenerators.co.uk / www.southcoastgenerators.co.uk/

0330 088 3950

Event Sparks Limited

07971974616 / chives@eventsparks.co.uk


HES Electricals

Country Coolers
